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* *
* FAQ for Trading For FileZ in IRC *
* created June 21st 1996 *
* FAQ by LamahCop in #warez-waldo *
* v1.0 *
This FAQ is intended to teach people who know nothing about trading in IRC.
I'm writing this with the experience with mIRC and Trading.
I wrote this FAQ because I was sick of all the messages posted to me from my
hacking webpage on how to get files in IRC.
PLUG: My Hacking page is @ http://web2.airmail.net/km/hack.htm
ok, now onto the training my loyal lamers....
The different ways to to get files..
(1) DCC
(2) XDCC
(3) Fserve (File Server)
(4) * Bots
(5) Personal FTP Sites
(6) My Comments
(7) Credits
* You must have access to a bot in a channel for this...
(1) DCC
DCC file trading is also popular, because its one on one trading. But this
is a good way to trade with other users if they have a file you want, and
you have something they want. Just post in any channel your in that you
are looking for a certain file (gif/jpg/warez/tech stuff). If someone
asks what you have tell them what you have. If they want to trade then
in MIRC goto the icon (s) or goto the top menu and choose dcc send. Then
go find your file and trade that way. This is really easy, but it requires
normally that you have to trade with someone, so if you don't have anything
try the XDCC way, or the Fserver way.
(2) XDCC
There are many ways to get files in IRC, the most popular and easiest way
to get files is via XDCC. This is the most popular because you do not have
to trade to get stuff in return. There are many channel in which you can
join (see my hacking page for some channel names). The people who trade via
xdcc are mostly bots, and they usually offer in the channel with a mass msg
in the channel, with what they offer and the number by the file.
For Example:
<SEVEN-DCC> ** 1 pack ** 10 of 10 slots open Record:
<SEVEN-DCC> #1 370x [624k] RCN Issue #18
<SEVEN-DCC> ^- GODS Meeting Log, RCN Busted
You see here in the example that Seven-DCC is a bot, he is offering 1 pack
(file) and there are 10 of 10 Slots open. This means out of 10 slots, there
are 10 free to offer. No one is downloading from him at this time. If there
was someone getting a file from him it would show 9 of 10 slots open. If
all slots are full, then normally there is a waiting list you will get on.
But sometimes you just have to try and try again till you catch a slot.
The next line, has the #1 and then the size of the file 624k and then
what the file is. In this case is RCN Issue #18. That is a WareZ-Mag that
is going around. VERY VERY GOOD. And the rest of the lines are just BS from
that bot.
To get this file, if you don't have a good script that has XDCC on it
to leech it from, then normally you would have to type the command out. In
the channel type this command... /msg Seven-dcc xdcc send #1 This sends
a message to Seven-dcc saying send me file #1. If he offered 2 files, and
you wanted #2, then put #2 in the command, so on and so forth. Understand??
Normally in a channel if you see DCC in someone's nick, it means they
are offering files. You can find out by typing /msg seven-dcc xdcc list
this will tell that person, what is your offer list. And you should get
a list just like the one above from Seven-Dcc. (I'm using this bot as
an example).
Also, there might be a speed limit on the bot, if your at a slow
connection speed (14.4 and sometimes 28.8) you will not be able to get files
from some bots. If you see a 2k a sec limit, if your at 14.4 you will not
be able to get the file. 28.8 people might be able to if they are on a fast
irc server. If not try another IRC server.
(3) Fserve
Some users like to setup fserve (file server) in mirc, it does a dcc
chat and you'll have access to a directory with files. If you want
to setup fserve for yourself check the MIRC help file on how to do that.
The commands available to a user once connected are:
cd - change directory.
dir - lists the name and size of each file in the current directory.
ls - lists the name of each file in the currently directory using
a wide listing.
get <filename> - asks the fileserver to DCC Send the specified file.
read <filename.txt> - reads the specified text file.
The user will be sent a default of 20 lines and then prompted whether
to continue listing.
help - lists the available commands.
exit or bye - terminates the connection.
(4) Bots
Bots: This is for Egg Drop bots, if you have access to one in a channel most
bots have a file system. Whether or not they have files is another story.
Once you dcc chat the bot, enter your password, and are into the chat line.
type .files this will take you into the file system. Type LS to get a
directory scan for files and directories. Here are a list of commands once
inside of the bot's file system...
get <file> [nick] send a file over IRC (DCC send)
pending list queued file transfers
cancel <file> cancel a queued file transfer
ls [filemask] show list of files in this directory
pwd display present working directory
cd <dir> change current directory
desc <file> <desc> set description of <file> to <desc>
quit leave the file system
You can get help on any command via: help <command>
(To upload a file, just start your dcc transfer.)
This type of file access, requires that you know people in high places to be
added to there bot. Any newbie to IRC will more than likely *NOT* have
access to it. Stay in IRC for awhile and get to know people. Its all
about connections..
(5) Personal FTP Sites
Now I know I am going to get blasted for this, Personal FTP sites are not
in IRC. But normally people in IRC run them, and in order to get access to
them half the time you have to trade files/sites to get access to them. Now
once in awhile you'll find someone who is nice and offers Anonymous access
to get files. (rare) They normally run Serv-U or Wftp, and they are
usually at a speed of 28.8 or 14.4 But you have access to a site where you
can download. ** NOTE ** Uploading of WareZ (pirated software) is illegal.
Downloading however isn't. =) Just don't use it..hehehe So be careful.
But if your into porn, then this is also a popular way to get stuff.
(6) Comments
Any newbie is not going to be able to become a trader in a matter of minutes.
It takes time, get to know the right people. You can get anything you want
out there. Just know where to get it. Once you become good enough, and
trade enough, people will come to you to trade, instead of you going to them.
Don't be stupid, and yell at people, cuss people out. You will more
than likely get screwed in a few trades. It happens, but just turn the
other cheek, there are many legit traders out there. Trade sites and files.
(7) Credits
Fserve credit..
Thanks to Con-Man for showing me his HD...And letting me
test the format c: /s
Well all the credit goes to me for taking the time to write this out for
people. I learned all of this in IRC by a number of people. I run a script
now that has most of the commands in it. I hope that all of this helps you
out in getting files/sites. Treat others the way you want to be treated,
if you be kewl they will be kewl with you. Don't screw people over..you'll
just get it worse later on down the line.
If anyone knows anything or wants to email me some comments/suggestions for
this faq. I am at km@airmail.net